Thursday, June 17, 2010

Every Womanizer's Nightmare

Nowadays it’s not anymore unusual to hear news of a celebrity couple breaking up because one of the spouses was caught cheating on the other. In fact, we wouldn’t even be surprised if Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie eventually follow suit and announce that they, too, are headed for Splitsville. After all, we’ve practically seen it all—from the Tiger Woods brouhaha to Sandra Bullock’s husband’s tattoed bombshell. Given the circumstances, we really can’t help but wonder, if none of these gorgeous, stunning, and top-earning celebrities can’t seem to hold on to their man, what chances do we ordinary citizens really have at a lasting and solid relationship?

For those who want to keep a tight leash on their partners, fear not. The answer may very well be right at your fingertips. I stumbled upon an article on Yahoo that cited a recent Gadgetology Report conducted by Retrevo, a US-based site on consumer electronics. The study reveals that if you cheat there's a 30% probability that you will get caught by simply leaving traces of the affair on your phone. Interestingly, 10% of those who spied on their partners actually find what they are looking for and ultimately result in the demise of the relationship.

In the US, they have developed advanced technologies such as keystroke logging gadgets and software, which enable the user to decipher the phone owner’s keystrokes by decoding messages through the generation of probable keywords. Websites like which sells voice-activated recorders for your bedroom as well as digital recorders that can trace all your home's phone calls are also readily accessible to the public.

Not to be left behind, the country’s very own Globe Telecom has been offering its own version of the tracking device, “a location-based service that allows you to get a general description of the location of your family, friends, or establishments…. It locates mobile phones using the signals received by the cell sites of Globe Telecom’s cellular network.” (URL:

At the end of the day, however clichéic as this may sound, the decision to avail of these gadgets essentially boils down to how much we trust our partners and, on the receiving end, the premium we place on such trust. After all, as my brilliant Professor in Evidence once put it (in a discussion of Character Evidence), our character is defined by who we are when no one’s watching. ;-)


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adrian arugay said...

My title would have been different. "psychotic girlfriend's delight."

Unknown said...

Hi there... Is this soon to be atty. therese ann cunanan? the one ive met at erc?