Thursday, January 15, 2009


In World of Warcraft, or in any other massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) for that matter, if you take any in-game item that you're not entitled to, then you are being what is called a ninja. It is a derogatory term, the online equivalent of being called a thief. The word can also be used as a verb i.e. "f*ck, that druid ninja'd my T7 helmet!"

The root, i suppose, of the reprehensible nature of the act is the fact that most items in online games are "meant" for certain classes or professions. While other people can use them, such use is not considered optimal. So when someone loots an item, which for him is useful but not optimal, ahead of another person whose use of the item is generally considered optimal, or at least more optimal than that of the first person, then the first person has just become a ninja.

This is what happened to one of my guildies a few days back. A paladin took a T7.5 breastplate specifically meant for his class, the warrior. The paladin shouldn't even have been able to pick it up, but since he was the lootmaster in the raid they were running, the pally was able to. A loophole in the rules. He was really upset when he told me about it. T7.5 breastplates aren't easy to get.

Having been trained to, uh, think like a lawyer, i told my guildie "ROFLMAO dude, sue the pants off the guy! This would make an interesting test case i think, LOL."

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