Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tangled in the moment

Someone took me to an imax 3D showing of Tangled. The point of asking me was so I could feel like I was Rapunzel in that scene with the floating lanterns. I wasn't all that enthused. Contrary to popular advertising, 3D doesn't feel like you're actually in the scene. And it didn't help that I had already seen the movie. Twice. But a treat will be a treat so I agreed to go.

I underestimated the power of 3D. As my favorite scene from the movie came up I couldn't help but gawk and smile (i will try to make this as spoiler-free as possible). The lanterns in 3D on that huge screen and the soft music in Dolby surround created the perfect atmosphere that was probably hoped for by my companion. Heck, I even forgot about the unattractive 3D goggles plastered on our faces. Can I say that "at last I see the light" just as the sweet chorus of the song for that moment suggested? Not quite yet. But I'll think twice before scoffing against the potentials of 3D technology again. Our world has certainly evolved from the classic candle-lit setting. I've got to say, it's not all that bad.;)

Maricris L. Real
Entry No. 14

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