Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cheaper DVDs Act

There is a need to relax Philippine copyright laws on software and multimedia. Ninety five percent of software used, home movies watched and music listened to are from pirated sources. Increasing the severity of penalties and enforcement of intellectual property laws will not stop piracy, it is too profitable for hungry third-world country citizens. The causes of the “problem” of piracy (the government’s and the multi-million-dollar corporations’ problem, not of the masses) are: first, unfavorable economic status of consumers, and, second: technological knowledge of producers. The realistic and effective solution is to relax copyright laws analogous to the method of the Cheaper Medicines Act wherein there is parallel allowance of both Copyrighted and copied software. Henceforth, I am proposing to the entire country, through this blog entry, that we should encourage our lawmakers to enact a “Cheaper DVDs Act of 2008.” This proposal provokes many questions, which I would hopefully discuss in a subsequent article if time and my diligence would permit (I can’t find my copy of the Cheaper Medicines Act). I’m sleepy. Oust Gloria.

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