Its always big news whenever there are new developments in the patent battle between Apple and Samsung. Each company makes it appear that the other is the copycat and that each has sole rights to the different designs that they came up with.
The fact of the matter is, in the technology and electronics business, each new idea spurs from an idea that was borrowed and maybe even copied from a rival technology corporation.
The film Pirates of Silicon Valley is a perfect example of what a little bit of piracy, patent infringement or copyright infringement can do to help make everyone's life better and to spur innovation.
Here we have Bill Gates who "copied" Steve Jobs' Mac Operating System to develop what we now use as the Windows Operating System.
We have Steve Jobs who "copied" the technology for the mouse from xerox and integrated it into "Lisa" and the "Macintosh."
In the movie, we also see how the drive to innovate and succeed can make one a very wealthy individual. Enjoy!
The Battle of Silicon Valley (please click on link below)
Group Project:
Ocana, Prado, Tiopianco
Norman Roland E. Ocana III
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