When going online and creating your own mini world of information such as what school you went to, what sites you usually check and join, the people you add, the pictures you upload, we rarely think about the implications of filling up the simple preliminary forms they usually require. These forms are usually disguised as a marketing tool or even just as a database of the site we are attempting to join or enter. These information in fact, now become part of the property of the site and are free to use it whichever way they want since we gave the information on a silver platter.
What more when you go online shopping.
When shopping in this medium, being a delicate one involving contracts and money, we are required to give away our credit card information our home address and our personal telephone or mobile phone in order to verify the sale as being a valid one. These information, although usually guaranteed by the company involved to be kept confidential, retain their inherent vulnerability and keeps the online shoppers exposed to possible identity theft or fraud.
The video above shows a concrete example of a man who's identity was stolen with some serious repercussions. Enjoy.
Group Members:
Danjun Lucas
Trisha Fernandez
Angeli Serapio
By Trisha Isabelle F. Fernandez Entry #13
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