Tuesday, September 18, 2007

On Banning Violence

Read this.
There have many studies that seem to suggest that the exposure to violence of children could prove very harmful to them in the long run. When I read the article in the link, I breathed a sigh of relief. I've always believed in freedom of expression. To curtial it for me would mean the death of democracy. To ban violence in videogames is not the answer in addressing the issue of violence in society. Parents always have a choice in what to buy for their children. People have the power not to buy these kinds of video games, if they think that it would be bad for their kids. I hope that this kind of legislative measure would not reach our shores.
I remember this bit that Drew Carey wrote in his book Dirty Jokes and Beer. He was lamenting the fact that on national television, one could not hear dirty words being uttered. This surprises him because the general audience of network television he thinks are those that hear dirty words all the time, and much more so, are exposed to so much violence. He laments the fact that in order to hear how people really talk and act in real life, he has pay for the privilege of that by subscribing to cable.
Maybe, those that buy those violent video games are those kids from the middle class to affluent neighborhoods. Their parents bought them those games because these parents were busy earning money. Then these kids grew up so maladjusted, they thought killing their classmates was okay. Maybe what should be legislated then is that there should be a mandatory dinner time for all families to be together eh?

1 comment:

Laibeus Lord said...

Hah, a blow to Mr. Waray Representative and the Taguig/Pasig Lawmaker, always repeatedly saying that violent games will produce future "War-Freak Adults".

"Although some reputable professional individuals and organizations have expressed particular concern about the interactive nature of video games, there is no generally accepted study that supports that concern."

See, it is the parents RESPONSIBILITY to screen what their children plays, watch, read, visit. We do NOT need Laws for this SIMPLE things.

Why create a new LAW? We are only showing that there are MORE and MORE "IRRESPONSIBLE" parents today.

Law against Violent Games = Proof More Parents are IRRESPONSIBLE.

We have a Law that protects children from Irresponsible parents.

I also write here: http://gameshogun.ws/Games/generalgaming/gameaddiction/