Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bad Girls

A magazine may not be all that reliable but when I read an article from a local magazine about a woman who picks up guys off the internet it sounded all too familiar to be untrue.
I had a friend a few years ago who had a similar M.O. He'd pick guys (yes, guys) up off the internet, meet up with them and proceed to some obscure motel or parking lot and take care of business. When my friend shared his stories with me I was surprised at how casual and brief these encounters can be but it never occurred to me that there is a more disturbing aspect to it. These kinds of encounters can be very dangerous. According to the author of the magazine article that I read, she can hook up with basically any random guy in the net. She wouldn't know their real or full names or much else about their backgrounds. Before the face to face meeting, she sometimes wouldn't even know what the guy looks like. I've heard of safety features in ebay more stringent than this. It's strange that things can be better protected than people.

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