Saturday, August 14, 2010

IMHO: Software and applications for holograms will be the next big thing

I wrote previously that getting acquired by Google, Yahoo or Facebook is still a next-big thing. But of course, we all want to know what will be the next big thing similar to Google, Yahoo and Facebook.

We all want to know what is the next big thing. So what is it?

Scroll down:

In my humble opinion, software and applications for holograms are the next big thing. I have always envisioned the future without much of the present hardware for phones, computers, and other gadgets. I am all for a paperless and hardware-less future. This has been my dream since I watched Star Wars. Those who can create technologies with this framework can be the next Steve Jobs.

In the next generations, people can watch FIFA through Avatar's (the movie) technology.

Paulyn Duman
Blog #14
(for September 17)

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