Saturday, March 1, 2008

Obsolescence = Electronic Waste?

How many times have you changed your computer? Was there a real need for you to upgrade? Do you really use your computer to its full potential? Is it possible that the things you do with your present computer can also be done with your old one? Well, it is possible those computers nowadays are more powerful and can support more programs. For instance, graphic intensive work would need higher computers specs. However, it is likely that some computers are rendered obsolete due to new operating systems. Some computers that are capable of supporting Windows XP cannot support Windows Vista. This development can lead to the obsolescence of computers that are incapable of supporting Vista. In an article Greenpeace expressed its concern that companies may feel the need to upgrade which would result to massive electronic waste that must be disposed of. Greenpeace maintains that the useful life of computer equipment should be prolonged as much as possible. Manufacturers should also design their products in such a way that it can easily be upgraded, disassembled and recycled.

This is a valid concern. Most of the time you can see stacks of obsolete computers that are left to gather dust. It may be argued that parts that can still be used are salvaged and the rest could be sold to waste markets so that it can be recycled. However, it would be better if almost all of the part of the computer can be upgraded or it can be disassembled in order to meet the current specs. It would surely help in minimizing our electronic waste.


1 comment:

Elgene said...

Ah, this is very true for techie people like me who are always tempted with the latest gadgets.

It is a waste if a purchase, any purchase is not made for the right reason.

Luckily, I have excellent self-control (I think). :P