Saturday, March 8, 2008

The so called Streisand effect

Do you know the “Streisand effect”? This term was coined after Barbara Streisand discovered online pictures of her Malibu home. She filed a case to force the website to remove the pictures but the case generated publicity and more people started to access the website. Instead of achieving her goal she unknowingly made her private Malibu home more public.

This Streisand effect is more of a human reaction to something that is generally a secret. If she didn’t file a case then it’s possible that the website would not be accessed by a lot of people mainly because they did not know that it existed at all. It is natural for people to satisfy their curiosity. For instance, if there is a rumor going around people tend to want to know more details about it.

Would it be better to just keep silent about the issue or the intrusion? Maybe this is not the best solution because it is quite likely that this news would still leak out to the public. For example the website developer may find other ways of promoting his/her website containing unauthorized pictures. If a case would be filed, it is quite likely that the people would have already accessed such website even before the court could render a decision. As seen in the case of Streisand filing a case can defeat your purpose of protecting your privacy.

Given this scenario, what would then be the best alternative of the offended party?

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