Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thou Shall Not Photoshop

I frequent this lifestyle blog called It’s a place for all things cool and fashionable. Because so many people read the blog, Chuvaness has gained sponsors who sell stuff ranging from furniture, food, toiletries, clothing, printers to even health supplements.

Every so often, Chuvaness would create contests and give away extremely extravagant prize packages to the winners, thanks to her sponsors. The prizes were so crazy I even attempted to participate. The mechanics of the most recent one was simple. If you were the 8,888,888th visitor of the blog, get a screen cap and send it in.

After a few days, Chuvaness still could not release the results. As it turns out some people Photoshopped their way into winning and she was in the process of investigating the matter. Chuvaness followers have yet to hear about who wins.

The tool that was once used just to enhance dull images is now subject to much abuse. We can do so much with Photoshop, and evidently, its main use is to alter appearances. But up to what extent is it acceptable? The Chuvaness problem is just one of the scenarios where it can be used to misrepresent things, eliciting serious effects. I’m sure you can think of other incidents where photos turned out untrue. In cases like this, where and how do we draw the line against the perils of Photoshopping?

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