He did this in full view of dozens of onlookers, many of whom caught his actions on both still and video recordings. As expected, the internet communities lashed out against him, as did the University administration. Based on some news entries I read, he has already been suspended, and is under investigation as to whether criminal charges can be filed against him aside from administrative charges.
But in today's high-tech world, one of the harshest punishments is to be immortalized and ridiculed for all eternity in a meme, or at least until the next big meme comes along. True, there is a sense of anonymity in that the pictures generally don't specify his name, but he will know, and the people who know him will know. On one end, there are memes as a form of internet bullying, as with the "Star Wars Kid." On the other hand, there are memes which are a sign of outrage and vindictiveness, as we have seen recently with the meme targetting the DPWH officials. Whether one agrees with memes as a form of social punishment against erring public servants or thinks that cyber-bullying is cyber-bullying regardless of whether the target deserves it, the truth is, politically-correct or not, memes tend to be funny and entertaining.
That said, here are some of the casual pepper spraying cop. Allow it to entertain you or enrage you, whatever you like.
Previous Entries: #1.
Daniel Luis Convocar, Entry #2.
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