Monday, October 3, 2011

things get lost in the clouds

So I just wrote a five-paragraph blog about the Mckinsey Global Institute's recent report that showed how the Internet contributed to economic growth for the past 15 years.

I then quoted figures the report presented:

- In the 13 economies the study surveyed, the Internet contributed 7% of growth over the past fifteen years; this contribution has been growing, because the Internet generated 11% of growth for the past five years.
- most of the growth occurred in SMEs
- SMEs with a strong web presence grew twice as fast compared to SMEs with minimal or no presence
- SMEs that took advantage of the Internet reported twice as much revenue from exports compared to those that didn't.

After quoting these statistics, I proceeded to assert that our country's MSMEs should tap the potential of the Internet to expand their markets and jack up their revenue. Government has a crucial role in supporting our MSMEs in this move, by first, making the necessary infrastructure, information and incentives available to them; and second, by boosting public trust and confidence in the Internet and the MSMEs that transact online.

I then ended the blog with a proposition that a Department of Information Communications Technology will be helpful in this endeavor, and in creating an environment conducive to ICT-driven economic growth.

All the while, the "save now" button below the typing area of this blog kept sayin "saving" and draft autosaved at 8:05 AM. draft autosaved at 8:55AM. autosaved at 9:07 AM. at 9:45 AM.


After I clicked the "Publish Post" button, a page saying that there was an error appeared. I went back to the my draft but lo and behold, only the first two sentences got autosaved. And so I had to re-write my entire blog all over again, and this time, with a rant and a warning: things get lost in the clouds. using and saving files in word programs is still the safer bet.

-- Ixara Maroto, 16th post

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