Sunday, October 2, 2011

The DPWH Photoshop Mishap.

We know the Philippine government's got a knack for drama, but to go to the extent of Photoshop-ing public officials in the middle of a crisis to show some sort of dedication to their jobs? That's just ridiculous.

[DPWH Photo]

These DPWH officials were supposedly "deep in thought," possibly evaluating the damage that was done to the seawall along Roxas Boulevard by the recent typhoon Pedring. The photo was reportedly posted on the DPWH's Facebook page as an official photo, but it was quickly removed. It was a bit too late when they realized that Web 2.0 is a world of skeptics and untrained-eyes-no-more who have mastered the skills of screen-capturing and downloading.

That it was just about the drama couldn't be that far from the truth, considering the fact that if you look closely, two of the three men in the foreground can actually be seen in the background.

Amusing reactions from the public and official apologies from the DPWH aside, it's a sad, sad way of affirming what the public already thinks about government officials not taking their jobs seriously. And, like this blogger wrote, "If they can fabricate simple things like this, just imagine what these guys can do to progress billings and acceptance of projects."


#15 - Somayyah Abdullah
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