Thursday, March 15, 2012

Technology and Piracy: Two Sides of the Same Coin

With all the laws being passed to protect against piracy, one would think that piracy is necessarily a bad thing. We are taught that piracy deprives individuals of income and are that violators would be subject to a hefty fine and/or imprisonment.

Its always big news whenever there are new developments in the patent battle between Apple and Samsung. Each company makes it appear that the other is the copycat and that each has sole rights to the different designs that they came up with.

The fact of the matter is, in the technology and electronics business, each new idea spurs from an idea that was borrowed and maybe even copied from a rival technology corporation.

The film Pirates of Silicon Valley is a perfect example of what a little bit of piracy, patent infringement or copyright infringement can do to help make everyone's life better and to spur innovation.

Here we have Bill Gates who "copied" Steve Jobs' Mac Operating System to develop what we now use as the Windows Operating System.

We have Steve Jobs who "copied" the technology for the mouse from xerox and integrated it into "Lisa" and the "Macintosh."

In the movie, we also see how the drive to innovate and succeed can make one a very wealthy individual. Enjoy!

The Battle of Silicon Valley (please click on link below)

Group Project:

Ocana, Prado, Tiopianco

Norman Roland E. Ocana III

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Identity Theft (Credit Card Fraud)

What is Identity Theft?

Identity theft is a form of stealing someone's identity in which someone pretends to be someone else by assuming that person's identity, typically in order to access resources or obtain credit and other benefits in that person's name. And although most people might think that identity theft is a crime that proliferated with the advent of the Internet, it has been around for probably as long as there have been identities to steal. Here’s a little bit of information about it.

**We had a hard time figuring out why the video was cut in half when we embedded it in this blog. Please refer to this link to see the whole video -

Team Members:

Maricor Estrella
Joni Gomez
Aris Mascenon

Another version: Cyber Crimes: Destroy Others, Destroy Yourself

Team Members: Jan Bunag, Adrian Bustos, Mary Rhauline Lambino, Entry No. 13

Cyber Crimes: Destroy Others, Destroy Yourself

It is undeniable that ICT is now part of a large portion of the world's population's lifestyle. Yet the ordinary person, at least in the Philippines, is bereft of any real remedy from stalking, bullying, false accusations, identity theft, and other forms of harassment gathered from or spread through the Internet. This music video is our take on cyberstalking and cyberbullying and how it can make or break an individual. May you be entertained. Team Members: Jan Bunag Adrian Bustos Rory Lambino


When death becomes a wanted friend, the foe must be a terrifying one.

The Internet can be a terrifying foe. By itself, it is largely a neutral arena. But in the hands of an individual or a group of people motivated by nothing but acrimony, the Internet can be wielded in such a manner it transforms into the scythe of death.

A ‘cyberbully’, more often than not, has no intentions of inflicting death. However, depending on the emotional disposition of the targeted victim, the words or actions of the cyberbully may lead the victim to seek death as the ultimate deliverance. When untimely death, or even emotional distress, is caused by cyberbullying, the malice of some coupled with the immense reach of the Internet creates an incomparable foe like no other.

What cyberbullying does is to animate the terrifying foe inside the mind of an individual unto the Internet and transforming the Internet into another terrifying foe of an unimaginable attitude. And perhaps that is how to beat cyberbullying: by tempering the foe inside the minds of so many before it spills over into the Internet.

Let this be our way of joining the fight against this foe.

Aldan S. Avila and Nathan Marasigan, Entry No. 13

Don't believe everything you see online.

Not everything you see or hear online is true. Not all the people you meet can be trusted. There are cyberpredators looking to take advatage of your naivete. Some people hide viruses, worms or bots which will attack your computer, sometimes even in links which point out your computer's vulnerabilities. Some forms asking for your information, no matter how legitimate, are actually used for phishing and identity theft. And don't even get us started on all the links, emails and advertisements promising that you won something. As the Filipinized English saying goes, "It's true good to be true."

You've seen and heard all about the shit people say. However, shit doesn't just come out, it also goes in. Here's a video of shit that people actually believe online.

ICT class video, group #1
Video by Christine Gomez, Daniel Luis Convocar, Christopher Columna
With thanks to "actors" Tony Oposa, Doms Obias and Rex Regis

Group Buying Sites: Secret's Out!

Wondering why Deal Grocer can offer a vacation package at almost 70% off? Intrigued about how Metro Deal can offer you a branded watch at almost 65% off its original price? Curious about why Clever Buy sells a lipolite session only for a price 60% off its clinic price?

We've seen those ads too. And like you, we were also dying to know the 5Ws and 1H of their industry. So we investigated and got answers. Watch our video and, like us, be informed.

Group 3 Members:
Diana Lutgarda P. Bonilla
Agnes M. Santiago
Candice See

Diana Lutgarda P. Bonilla, Entry #13
Previous Entries: 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1