Sunday, September 5, 2010


Manila socialite Celine Lopez, in her column in the Philippine Daily Inquirer today, wrote about not having a Facebook or Twitter account. She described how some people would indulge in sharing too much information in social networking websites, how she doesn't get that people can share even their lamest status messages, and how she had no more need to talk about every thing she does.

With all due respect to her, I think a person having a weekly column in a major broadsheet that reaches thousands of readers across the country is not fit to question people's motives in indulging in some little self-publication. She can voice out her opinions on major political issues, criticize the latest fashion trends and share the latest gossip news, and she has thousands of readers to listen to her. On the other hand, us, mere mortals are relegated to speaking our mind on our FB or Twitter accounts, thus, fulfilling our innate human need to be heard even by just our mere 300-1,000 friends.

That's the best we can do, and we will take it. Or at least, we will take it until we get a Sunday column ourselves and get to talk even about the most mundane things, i.e., Traffic today., and the rest of the country will still be forced to listen.

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