Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I just ranted in my multiply site. I placed, in the public domain, thoughts I never dared to say out loud before. The reason for my online outburst was that I was nearing my wits’ end at Starbucks and I didn’t have anybody to talk to. Honestly, I would have preferred to have someone hold my hand while I let go of all that angst. It’s not that I didn’t have anyone who would have come to my rescue. It’s just that while I craved consolation, I also needed to be alone. So I resorted to what I thought was the next best thing – I blogged about it. My justification was: I had my contacts who will read what I had to say (which will be tantamount to someone listening to my tirade) but because they were physically some place other than where I was, I will remain to be alone. Seems like I hit two birds with one stone, right? Why, then, do I still long for a hug?

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