Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bridging the Communication Divide

One of the major benefits of technology is that it paved way for a faster means of communicating with each other. This communication may be through text, images, audio or all of the above. Packages can now be sent, albeit expensively, overnight, to any corner of the world. Documents can be sent overnight through courier services such as FedEx. Connecting phone calls can be as easy as bringing out a phone from your pocket or your bag and pressing a few buttons. Remember the phones where you have to spin a disc to dial? Integration of means of communicating can be had through video calls.

Yet, it still doesn’t hurt to be careful about communicating with strangers. Text messaging, e-mails and chatrooms are still being utilized in finding victims. It makes it easier for offenders since they can do this globally. Catching these people can only be done reactively. It must fall on the shoulders of the users to be guarded so they may not be held victim by such schemes.

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