Thursday, December 11, 2008

I’ve seen the face of progress… And its name is Chuck

I was squeezing my mind grapes pretty hard to think of a blog topic for today, but a topic eluded me and left me wanting for purple idea juice. But then, out of nowhere, I remembered this awesome picture of Chuck Norris in front of an American flag, an Uzi in each hand, a chest too shiny not to be waxed. I’m almost sure it’s his driver’s license. It got me thinking about how there are probably thousands of people out there using that very picture for their online profile, trying to attract new friends or sell their wares with a picture that shows their awesome sense of irony, or ironic sense of awesomeness. Either way, it’s what they choose to represent themselves. It speaks volumes of the times we live in, that Chuck Norris in full awesome mode is an acceptable substitute for a smiling face, a hello and a handshake. Trust is more of an issue, since marauding schemers can hide behind Chuck’s oiled-up man-chest. Laws are definitely trying to protect us from would-be Chucks, but I fear that the legislative process is much too cumbersome to keep up with the furious fists of Chuck-fueled progress.

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