Thursday, December 11, 2008

Stalker Mode

In a High School reunion…

A: So what’s new with our batchmates?

B: I heard Ms. M got married already. I saw it in Facebook. She married a foreigner.

C: Did you see Mr. T.’s pictures with his boyfriend in Friendster? He has already admitted he’s gay.

D: Have you talked to him lately?

C: No, I just saw the pictures.

It seems that in today’s times, the latest “chismis” could be availed of through “stalker” mode. It’s easy to know so many details about a person you know from the past or a person you don’t even know through their pages in Friendster, Facebook, Multiply, etc. Take your pick. Ironically, while these networking sites inform us about friends and acquaintances, these also deter the need to connect personally. It’s as if people are contented to seeing updates on these sites instead of setting a date with people they haven’t seen in ages. The very instrument that supposedly brings people together becomes the same medium that may discourage personal get-togethers.

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