Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kaleidoscope World

You all probably have heard about the death of Francis M. last weekend unless you've been sleeping under a rock. I have been reading his blog ( since he got sick. While I'm not one of his avid fans, I got hooked reading his entries because despite his illness, he remained positive and even shared his experiences in the blog. While I was sweating the small stuff, here was a guy who was probably worrying about the future of his family but he was still all smiles. He approached the situation bravely. I guess I wasn't alone in thinking that way. There was an outpour of comments the day he died from other people, not just the fans but people he has touched through his blog. In an interview with his widow, Pia Magalona, she said that one of the things that keeps her strong was the words of encouragement by people from all parts of the world in Francis M.'s blog. In this age of technology, it's amazing how total strangers touch each other's lives and serve as inspirations to get through tough times.

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