Thursday, March 12, 2009

You have died of dysentery.

Ah, the 8-bit goodness that was Oregon Trail---the classic pioneer trailblazing adventure game where no one ever really got to the beaver state. I usually preferred death by dysentery, while the wife and kids got pwned crossing the Big Blue River.

Soon, with's vision of bringing affordable computer learning to the fortuneless for $12 a pop, kids all over can experience firsthand the perils of hunting bunnies for rations by accidentally shooting themselves. The project heads figured that with 8-bit systems already being manufactured in the developing world on the cheap, that available (albeit somewhat archaic) technology should be exploited to help educate kids. Sure, a game where you can die of cholera probably isn't appropriate for a child living in an actual cholera-ridden village, but I digress. There's always Reader Rabbit.

The project's credo that fun is learning is much easier to take in than the preachy One Laptop Per Child. I can certainly stand by a cause that values fun. And the $100 laptop program just isn't feasible--but building around an affordable system already in the mainstream is.

Just a tip for the kids: never caulk the wagon and float it! Man up and ford the damned thing.

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