Thursday, August 13, 2009

I Believe: Only Saints Intercede

I acknowledge former President Cory Aquino's status as an icon of democracy. I admire her courage and all the sacrifices she has made for the country. But to consider her as a saint, a national hero, or something more than a former president of this nation, is something my conscience won't allow.

She was a unique person, indeed. When everyone else was afraid, she stood strong and undaunted. There is no doubt, she went far beyond her "housewife" status to become a memorable figure in our nation's history. But her presidency left much to be desired.

It's very difficult to explain my position. I have to strike a very delicate balance in order not to upset Cory supporters yet at the same time stay true to my beliefs. Such is the reason why I could not list the various events between 1986 and 1992 which would support my stand.

In this age of internet-blogging and social-networking, it's very easy for a person like me to get crucified. At a time like this, when emotions still run high over the former president's death, every journal entry, every remark, every comment, could easily be misinterpreted or over-analyzed.

Forgive this entry. I just needed to share my thoughts, no matter how very diluted they have turned out to be. It just felt incumbent upon me to react after hearing a LaSallian Brother mention in a prayer: "President Cory, intercede for us to the Father..." [I still nod vehemently in disagreement everytime I remember those words]

Now, to all those who wish to crucify me, feel free to comment. The internet is, after all, a venue to share peoples' ideas.

1 comment:

Amberle Brin said...

I do agree with you on the intercession thing.