Thursday, August 13, 2009

The need for a NBN

During the last couple of days, my internet access has been on the fritz. For some reason, the wifi kept getting disconnected from my service provider. I thought for a while that it was my router that was the problem but after I got it back from the service center, they said that it was working fine. So I called up my provider and found out that it was they who had a problem.

During the period of slow internet access, I got to think that maybe it would have been better if we did have a National Broadband Network. I admit that at first I was one of the skeptics as to the need of such since our country had other more pressing concerns. However, I now realize how unfair it is for our countrymen who are living in far flung that are unable to access the internet.

The internet is a medium that was originally used only for simple exchange of data but now it is a necessity for normal functioning of society. Furthermore, businesses have latched on to it and many can't do business without it. Thus it is a neceessary tool for the development of our different businesses. Also, I found that what I missed most when I lost access was the ability to access the vast amounts of information in the net. It used to be that I had to look everything up in the 30 volume Encyclopedia Britannica in our library but now all I had to do was to google it.

So maybe there is merit to the contention that we need the NBN for a country's development and it is not only the development of our public officers' wallets.

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