Monday, August 24, 2009


There's finally a rehab center in the US for persons suffering from internet and video game addiction. The problem isn't new and it is a clearly recognized problem similart to problems with alcohol, drugs, gambling and sex. Nor is the problem an inherently western-world problem... As you guys may know China has the largest population of "connected persons" and Korea is one of the most high internet use penetration and density (ratio of users to total population) and this is a problem they have been dealing with. I remember reading something about a person who died in front of his home pc he couldnt leave his online MMORPG character.

Here are some of the symptoms mentioned in the article of IAD.

"1.Using online services everyday without any skipping
2.Getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and checking email before returning to bed
3.Losing track of time after making a connection
4.Spending more and more time on the internet and less and less time with ‘real life’ friends
5.Spending less time on daily chores to allow more time on the computer
6.Eating meals while sitting at the computer
7.Minimizing the time you spend online when someone asks you about it
8.Sneaking onto the internet when family isn’t around to make you feel guilty about it
9.Taking time at work to go online, letting your work slide
10.Significant others complaining about the amount of time you spend on the internet
11.Fantasizing about being online when you aren’t
12.Work, relationships, study and life suffer because of the time you spend on the internet
13.You lose sleep because of staying on the internet late into the night
14.You get irritable and snap when someone interrupts your concentration while you are online"

Hmmmm... I dont think I'm suffering from IAD though I do spend a LOT of time online, even to the point of Eating in front of the comp...and daydreaming about my next move for my online games. Why not? I know I can stop any time...(hahahaha. and so i've heard so many smokers tell me)

-paul dennis tangangco


Loverhette Jeffrey P. Villordon said...

Shucks... I think I'm an addict. :(

bruno said...

me too. lol. but more about the vgames than just the inet itself.