Thursday, August 27, 2009


I wanted to test my self-control last weekend so I decided to deactivate my Facebook account. I’m proud to say that I had been Facebook- free for 5 days. That was until I had to activate it again out necessity since I was trying to locate this message for my best friend.

During those 5 days (that I was fighting the urge to reactivate my account), I decided to check my UP Webmail account where my Facebook notices are sent. To my horror, I was using 115% of my allotted Inbox space. My messages were at five thousand something. I should’ve been more diligent at checking this email address. Or better yet, I should’ve (from the beginning) totally deactivated email notifications from Facebook or its applications. Now why didn’t I do that again? Oh yeah, that’s because they used to block Facebook from Dilnet and so the only way I could check if I had new messages was through this email.

Going back to my dreadfully full Inbox, I began to painstakingly delete the messages per page and then purge the deleted messages after every 5 pages. How tiresome and annoying! Those who use their Webmail account should know this. To top it all off, I get logged out of the Webmail after I purge deleted messages or deleting a couple of pages (hence my limit of 5 pages.) So I have to log in again and again and again. Urgh. Why is it so sloooooow too? Anyway, this is the price I pay for using my school account instead of a Yahoo account where I can just delete everything in a snap!

I’m currently at 96% of my total allotted Webmail space of 25 mb with 4, 424 messages left to deal with. Ooh boy. This is going to be a looooooong night of “purging.” I’ve now learned my lesson. Simplify my virtual life –get rid of the clutter and distractions. ;)

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