Wednesday, August 26, 2009

An open letter to the Swedish Court which ordered the shutdown of Pirate Bay:

Dear Swedish Court which ordered the shutdown of Pirate Bay:

Good day! I heard on the News that you ordered an Internet Service Provider in the U.S, called Black Internet to stop servicing Pirate Bay. Thus last Monday, the most popular BitTorrent tracker in the world became inaccessible to most U.S. residents. But that was last Monday. And it only affected those who are using Black Internet. I wonder if they still can’t access the site. I could access it right now.

What was the purpose, Mr. Swedish Court for your ruling? You put tissue paper to absorb water on the floor of a boat that’s already sunk. (grabeh sa metaphor mehn)

Oh yes, Mr. Swedish Court, I concede. Of course, it is blatantly illegal – the founders and the members of the site are infringing copyright laws. But, a legitimate Pirate Bay which sells authorized copies of music and film is still a far-fetched idea. Also, I don’t think it would still be called Pirate Bay. Do you not see? Sentencing the founders to a life of doom wouldn’t cure the problem. You are not the solution. Capish?

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