Thursday, September 23, 2010

Facebook Stalkers

Facebook fans beware. These new features might just change the way you use social networks from now on. Facebook is testing a new subscription feature, allowing people to subscribe to friends and pages where they can receive notifications whenever the person they have subscribed to updates their status or posts new content. In addition to your own notifications, it allows subscribers to receive alerts any time a specific friend takes certain actions on the social network.

It is still uncertain as to the whether it people can subscribe to those not part of their friend’s list or whether it is a default or optional feature. At any rate, it will certainly affect how people use Facebook, considering the number of people included in a person’s friend’s list.

Although it is still up to the user to decide which information to place in social networking sites, not everyone is aware enough to do this. Children, for example, when left unsupervised, may unknowingly give out information which could be dangerous.

While there are good uses for this feature, for me, the possibility of it being used to do bad things have higher possibilities. At any rate, it would be better to consider the probable effects of posting information online before doing so.

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