Thursday, September 8, 2011

City of the Future

Pegasus Global Holdings of Washington, D.C. is an international tech and development company. Just recently they stated that they will be building a mini-city of a 20 mile radius in New Mexico. The city will be privately financed and will be used to test technologies such as smart grids, renewable energy integration, next-gen wireless, smart grid cyber vulnerability, among others. Besides this, the mini city will also be providing around 4,000 jobs for the population as well as provide a boost in the economy of New Mexico. Within the next 5 months they will begin analyzing costs and markets for the project.

This is obviously a big project that we may not see come into completion for a long time. However when it is complete, the amount of research and development it will provide for the information technology will be undoubtedly abundant. My only real reservation with such a project is that if the city takes too long to build, the infrastructure planned out for the city might no longer be relevant for the technology that will be used on that time. Hopefully the designers will be able to properly estimate emerging technologies and plan the infrastructure to be as adaptable as possible.

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