Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Blog Entry #1

I have always wanted to start a blog. From the time that a number of my closest friends started writing them, I have always been tempted to give it a shot. But due to some reasons, I never got around to doing it.

For one, I do not think my life is exciting enough to actually entail having regular entries about it. Plus, I don't think I am a public enough person to want to reveal certain things about me. Granted, that I could have made entries with comments and reactions I may have about certain ideas, events, etc., I also found the idea of regularly maintaining and updating a blog quite a challenge. Add to those reasons the fact that writing anything has never been my strongest skill set. I would even dare say that I try to sidestep, as much as possible, any task that would entail me stringing more than a few paragraphs together.

Don't get me wrong though I have always wanted to learn how to rid myself of this aversion to writing (hence the desire to start a blog). It is just that I found the task of doing so a big test of my EQ, which I have very little of. However, seeing that 30% of my final mark is on the line (not to mention my "X-Factor"), I guess there is no better opportunity to start than now.

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