Thursday, June 17, 2010

Don't Let Them Steal Your Photos!

Have you posted a picture on your Facebook account? Facebook is one of the most popular Social Network Service (SNS) and if you’re one of its 400 million active users chances are you have posted a picture. My Facebook account was hacked and several photos of mine were stolen a year ago, from then on I became more aware of what I post online and how to protect my privacy more. I also have a friend whose photos of sceneries were stolen and used by the hacker to be able to get a job. She said her album privacy was set to “Friends only” so how could her photos be stolen? Later on we found out why, and you need to read on to find out too. Bottom line is, Facebook is not a secure site; hacks that would enable a person to steal your photos and even generate your email are free and can be Googled. So how do you protect your privacy when using Facebook? Customize your privacy settings. Never let anyone else see your email address. Check your album privacy. Make sure that your photos are for your “Friends Only”. Have a strong password. A strong password would be a combination of characters and numbers, capitalization is (as stated in the password change form) important.

So like my friend, you’ve done all that I said you should do above, your photos should be safe, right?

The bad news is: no it isn’t. Check out this link: this link teaches you how to see the album of any private user. There are a lot more hacks like this but the good news is they can’t hack your photos if your album settings is “Friends Only” - if the photo isn’t tagged. So the next time you log in to Facebook, start untagging photos you’d rather keep private.

Submitted by:
Jennifer Reyes

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