Thursday, June 17, 2010


Last year, my sister's friends were reprimanded by the prefect of discipline of their high school for posting pictures of them in their bikinis on Facebook. The photos reflect negatively on the school, they were told, and they should stop posting pictures like that since they carry the name of the institution. Their parents were even called in for a meeting.

A few things. Swimming in one's bikini is hardly inappropriate, especially in this day and age. To be chastised for wearing the appropriate attire for an activity is beyond ridiculous. To be chastised for posting pictures of yourself in your own Facebook account, that's clearly beyond the metes and bounds of tutelage and guidance. It's called being intrusive. And the prefect preventing them from posting similar pictures? That's a clear repression of their freedom to express themselves, in an avenue where they have created their very own space, un-lumped with the rest of the public.

Regulate what the students do in school, that's fine to a certain extent. But even what they post on Facebook? Come on.

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