Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Information Overload, def. A state in which the amount of available information is so overwhelming a person is unable to effectively process and utilize it. (

The average computer literate is no stranger to this phrase, especially after four hours of online surfing, may it be a purposeful search or random stalking.. But, I have a feeling not everyone's familiar with INFOLUST. (What's that?), a leading consumer trends firm, coined this term to describe the consumers' insatiable desire for relevant information. Consumers want to know and they want to know NOW, with as many details as they please.

...Where to get the best of the best, the cheapest of the cheapest, the first of the first, the healthiest of the healthiest... Instant information gratification is upon us.”

Now, the devil really is in the details. Since you want to KNOW, you will not stop searching, comparing, obsessing over the littlest of differences of the products. A true infolust-er will not stop with the acquired knowledge, he/she would go on to verify the credentials of the source. What other purchases has this person made? Do we have the same tastes? And well. Eventually. You will end up with.. (that's right) INFO OVERLOAD.

Entry No. 02

Rachelle Mayuga

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