Thursday, September 9, 2010


Move over Edward, Angel, or those guys from the Vampire Diaries, vampires have also moved themselves towards electronics. And they’re not of the nice kind either.

eVampires or electronic vampires is the term used to refer to the act of electronic devices and appliances using electricity even when they're idle. Electronic devices such as TVs, computers, DVD players as well as appliances such as air conditioners and refrigerators, comprise the majority of a household’s electricity consumption. By remaining plugged to their power source, these devices continue to “suck” power, even when not in use. Appliances with standby options such as computers, alarm clocks, microwaves as well as those that operate with remote controls such as TVs and DVD players are the most common devices prone to eVampires.

But consumers are not without recourse. One option is to buy power strips. You simply plug your gadgets to the strip instead of directly to the power outlet and flip off switch when they're not in use. Doing this cuts off the power without need for unplugging the entire thing. Of course, the best way is to unplug them directly after use. Now, to most people, doing this can seem like a chore, especially during times when you’re watching TV in bed. In addition, you’ll have to constantly reset the clocks, as they will no longer work. But in a time where people need to be environmentally conscious, simple actions like pulling the plug may make a big difference. Not only will these help save you money, it will save the environment as well. Maybe putting in that extra effort won’t seem that bad.

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