Sunday, February 27, 2011

Find Us On Facebook - Social Marketing

The other day I had breakfast at my friend’s house. We had Vienna sausage, corned tuna, toasted bread, and a box of “fresh” orange juice.

While eating, I read the information written at the back of the juice carton. The juice according to the info supposedly came only from the freshest and most seasoned oranges found in Florida, which according to the same information is where one could find the best oranges in the world. So, in short, the one I had in front of me was supposedly the best of the best.

I had no problem with that. The juice really was good. Florida’s Natural brand I think is really one of the best.

But what really got my attention was the label written right at the bottom of the health information table which said: Find us on facebook.

The first thing that came to my mind was that obviously the carton I had in front of me came with the newest batch of import. The other cartons in my friend’s fridge didn’t have this label on them. What struck me the most, however, was the fact that this Co-op which just celebrated its 75th anniversary found a need to put on this “label” and actually put up a page which currently has 112, 945 fans.

So was it all about marketing? Maybe yes, but not that kind of marketing where one needs to sell more to profit more - I don’t think this 75 year-old co-op has need of that. Maybe it’s a different brand of strategy or marketing, a social type of marketing perhaps, if there is even such a term. Social marketing in the sense that you target people so they treat you not just a commodity but something more, like making them your friends and/or fan. Then in turn making these same people one’s own marketing tool as they let the whole world know that they are fans and invite others as well to “find/friend/like you on facebook” - yeah, maybe , something like that?

I just thought to myself, hopefully it works for them (especially, that they had to change to the layout of their carton for this label). Well, I have always been a fan, but now I am web-proclaimed fan and asked others to like them too. After all, I am 112, 945th.

By Vann dela Cruz #13

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