Wednesday, February 9, 2011

THE Regulatory Body

Well, the past two weeks I have been late in posting my blogs. I am not writing this one now to make an excuse or to make any justifications, I just suddenly realized how funny and coincidental things have been for the past two weeks.

The other week’s topic was on competition. I really thought I could easily come up with a blog on that topic since I was (and am) really into competition. My friends always told me that I am a very competitive person. Well, I have always told them that I just love not losing. I don’t hate losing, I just love not losing. I think those two are different things, I think. Not that I wanna be first, I just don’t want to be the last. Not that I hate being last, I just prefer not being there… blablah… get the picture? :D

See, the past two weeks have been so excruciating for me. We own a little business and we’re really trying to keep it up. Too many competitions have started to come up in our area. I was so focused on how to improve this and that, new products here, new gimmicks there etc., that I took for granted other much more important things (like blogging and SCRA).

The funny thing, though, is this, now that I decided to take a break and finally give myself a rest (a forced one even, courtesy by “the flu”) I realized that I really don’t know who I was competing against. Worse, that the only competition was I, my own self. Sigh.

Sorry for ranting/venting and not blogging 

I shared this with my younger brother just now and I thank him for making me remember that first and foremost I have dedicated this endeavour to HIM, that everything, even competitions, is grace and a blessing. Win or Lose, First or Last, whether one likes it or not, still, it is something to be grateful for.

That was the one important thing that I forgot these past two/four weeks - to take a while and report back to HIM.


By Vann dela Cruz #12


Thanks to my brother Bullet dela Cruz for always keeping me grounded and faithful. i love you ading ko.


Girlie L. Ferrer said...
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Girlie L. Ferrer said...

I'll say back to you what I always hear from you... Fight lang ng fight!

God bless, Vann! :-D

vanndamann said...

hahaha.. thanks girlie. payt!