Sunday, September 12, 2010


Can you imagine spending one whole day or one whole weekend simply eating the food of several restaurants for free? It sounds like a dream for some. For others, it is simply another way of advertising their restaurant.

I know someone whose dream is to become a professional food blogger. I am not entirely sure what that means, and if it can indeed become one’s profession. I’ve always thought that it was something that one does on the side. But it turns out that it may be possible. I’m not entirely sure if it pays a lot but I’m fairly certain that you’ll be very well-fed.

From a business standpoint, as a restaurant owner, it’s been realized that some of these food bloggers can actually wield some power in the industry. As with any form of advertising, a good review from a popular food blogger can mean good things for the restaurant. This is why most restaurants hold food tasting events and invite these people, aside from the usual magazine writers and newspaper columnists. Of course, it’s always a risk because there’s always a chance that their review won’t be good, or that they wouldn’t write about it at all. But nowadays, this is a risk that most restaurant businesses take.

From a blogger’s standpoint, it may be just a job. But it can also be a pleasure. Some just like to eat, and simply enjoy the tastes, textures, smells and colors. They like the entire experience of eating. And because they enjoy it so much, they blog or write about it so that other people can enjoy it too.

Just remember that you have to pace yourself. There are usually several dishes served, so you have to literally just taste each so that you have space for everything. Or you could just become a glutton. Whichever catches your fancy.

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