Monday, December 28, 2009

Did you know?

I found an updated version of the “Did you know” video the professors showed us at the beginning of the semester (please see link below)

As expected, the information was interesting and overwhelming. I especially like the following:

Traditional advertising is in steep decline. Digital advertising is growing rapidly. – This is not surprising since online advertising is cheaper. Come to think of it, digital advertising can even be free. I know of friends who advertise their products for sale via Multiply and Facebook. Orders can be made by PM or SMS.

How many text messages does an average American teen send each month? 2,272. – I wonder how many text messages an average Filipino teen sends each month. I guess it’ll be A LOT MORE considering that texting is cheaper considering the unlimited text (and call) promo's of the competing network companies.

Obama leveraged online social networks to raise $55M in 29 days. – Election time is just around the corner. But months before, we have seen candidates using the Internet to reach voters. Candidates have their own websites, Facebook accounts, blogs, and ads posted everywhere in the Internet. Before, their fake smiles taunt us in streamers and posters along the streets. Now, they haunt us even in the comfort of our own homes. Tsk.

- Glaisa PO
(entry no. 7)

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