Wednesday, December 2, 2009

(e-) wasted

Newsflash: E-waste isn't virtual.
It's not measured in bytes but in grams (even tons), just like the garbage in your trash can. And every country who seeks to be a techno hub needs to address this issue and provide an efficient and effective mechanism of managing its e-waste. It's not an issue confined to First World countries. Poorer countries, like the Philippines, have bigger stakes on e-waste management because it is us who get to be the dumping sites of these e-wastes from richer countries.

Jen Paguntalan
Post #3

1 comment:

Owen Ricalde said...

It's not only e-waste that the Philippines is getting. In today's news, the Philippine Auto Industry is lobbying that the Philippines ban the importation of used cars. Let's also remember that it was in JPEPA wherein Philippines is made to accept waste (I think even toxic waste) from Japan. So, I guess it's a policy concern wherein the Philippines accepts waste, including e-waste, from other countries.