In a few hours, we'd be off to the airport. This is the first time that we'll be celebrating Christmas and part of my birthday out of the country, that’s why I’m very very very excited! Also, this is the first time that a significant other will be celebrating Christmas with my family. Indeed, this year will be a merry Christmas! :)
Well, we will have to forego some of the things we traditionally do during the holiday like the looooonngggg Christmas Eve mass in a monastery in the province (and the even looooonnnggeerrr walk to get there) and the yearly mini-reunion with our relatives (but we will be very glad to accept your Christmas gifts on New Year instead *wink*). Also, no more mass-Christmas-text greetings to everyone in my phonebook. (I promise to greet you all on New Year) But surely, nothing beats celebrating Christmas abroad with all the persons very special to you.
Pardon me for this blog (which has no substantial significance to IT :c), but hey, it’s Christmas! So now, while I still have the chance, I want to wish you all a happy and fun-filled Christmas!
(source: picture- http://www.allthingschristmas.com/images/Christmas/merry_christmas.jpg)
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