Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Is Tux a Male or Female Penguin?

I encountered this recent article from the Linux Insider. A question was posed: Is sexism rampant in FOSS? Apparently, it is the Open Source Community's dirty little secret. There are reports that female participants in the community have been unfairly treated by their male counterparts.

Isa lang ang masasabi ko jan: Just wait and see.

I can see an uncanny parallel.... *insert flashback soundtrack*

Once upon a time, more like eons ago... law was a male-dominated profession. Lawyers were male, judges were male, politicians were male, etc.

BUT NOW *insert heavy metal "music"* You can see women lawyers everywhere. Law schools are filled to the brim with them. Mah Gahd.

Now back to FOSS... like I said, just wait and see.

SOON Linux desktops, the boring bland things that they are, will become laden with colors of the rainbow. I admit, girls love color. We like decorating and if given a chance... we will add features that will make it all pur-tee but FUNCTIONAL. Case in point: "Five women from India contributed the shared-memory feature that made it more useful for PC clustering." I don't have a clue what the heck it means, but you go girls.

Just wait and see.

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