Thursday, September 17, 2009 Where Bright Minds Meet

What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence, a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it.
- Herbert Simon

Online forums play a critical part on the Internet learning curve.[1] From news to views, this so-called “original social network” has been providing its users unlimited information at minimal cost- in fact, more often than not, at nil cost. Users of this powerful communication tool are of two types: either looking for information or looking to share the knowledge that they have acquired through experiences. Thus, with an array of diverse opinions posted for a certain desired issue, the ultimate objective of having a better judgment or view is realizable. HOWEVER, the process a user has to undergo becomes more burdensome- as he is confronted with loads of unfiltered data. Painstaking scrutiny and proper discernment are a must. Take the case of[2]

As Iskolars ng Bayan, public and social awareness should be running through our blood. National as well as campus issues are of our concern. However, due to the geographic location of the college buildings, the circulation of news, announcements, updates as well as rumors may be hampered.

Then came

Established in January 1999, was created as a resource site for the Iskos and Iskas- with a forum section in a thread format and posts were sparse. However, as internet connectivity and accessibility inside campus have developed, has become a household name for avid info-seeking Iskos/Iskas. People have espoused the fact and idea that each and everyone’s view in such online forums is equally heard regardless of financial and social status, race, age, sex or gender. In fact, now has 39918 members, 10936 topics at the Forum, and 909838 posts at the Forum.[3] Its forum section encompasses campus issues, academics, maroon mania, tambay 101, life after UP, current events, entertainment, games and sports, arts and literature. Hence, from momentous issues/events to frivolous concerns such as campus crushes, is “the place to be”. Simply put, it’s an apt all-encompassing site for a well-rounded student.

Even so,’s forum section proves to be a challenge for its users. With thousands of posts put up by thousands of members, deciphering the news from the views is a worthwhile drudgery. Likewise, excessive forum usage may pose potential negative effects such as reduced concentration and focus, reduced productivity, chronic procrastination, increased pessimism and/or apathy, being distracted by endless debates and idle gossip, gradual substitution of tribal group think for your own intelligence, impaired social skills, neglected relationships, and a weakened social circle (a consequence of substituting online socialization for face-to-face conversations), reduced self-esteem and lastly, forum addiction.[4]

In the end, online forums such as are a powerful productivity tool. HOWEVER, discipline and self-awareness of its users are imperative to forestall these so-called “original social networks” from becoming a pitfall of procrastination.


[2] is a community website of people from the University of the Philippines. It derives its name from the popular slang term for the university--peyups. The site contains articles, columns, and forums contributed by a large population of UP students, alumni, and even teachers. Though the most active contributors of the website are from UP, the website is not exclusive. (

[3] As of September 17, 2009

[4]Effective Online Forum Usage

1 comment:

Katrina Aglibot said...

i dunno if the threads are still open, but has these threads about LAE, law school, law professors etc. it's fun reading the posts :)