Thursday, September 17, 2009

twitter ethics

the way i understand it, it works much like a party-line, the ABC and CNBC sharing a fiber-optic line. so at times, CNBC people overhear ABC people's business and vice-versa. so when in an off the record conversation between a CNBC reporter and Barrack Obama, the President commented that Kanye was a jack-ass for destroying Taylor Swift's moment of glory, ABC employees quickly twitted (?) about the news.

as quick as those words came out of the President's mouth, they were up on our screens.

ABC officials, upon learning the news apologized to the U.S. President and CNBC.

this brought about talks on ethics regarding these new technologies. questions as to verifying sources and information before publishing and privacy are some of the issues raised. some officials have said that current rules and regulations do not keep up with the technology and thus have to be reviewed and revised. in the meantime though, people can tweet like crazy.

Obama on the other hand, being the President that he is merely said "Come on... cut the president some slack... I've got a lot of other stuff on my plate."

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