Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Unlimited Data Plan

With the growth of 3G mobile technology, the internet is now one-click away from a capable mobile phone.  One can now access the worldwide web using their phones of choice as if they were using a desktop or notebook PC.  If you still prefer using an actual computer, you can establish a high speed internet connection using your mobile phone as a modem.  Rates for this service have continuously been dropping with most TelCos offering fixed rates for unlimited data usage plans.

Interested in subscribing to such a service, I browsed the internet and entered the keywords “Unlimited Data Plan” and “UDP”.

I was surprised at some of the results I got.  I was all of a sudden introduced to getting an unlimited data plan on my phone for free.  I found out that there are actually a lot of on-line forums discussing how one can hack his phone and TelCo provider so that not only can he have free unlimited internet, but also make free phone calls.

We all know this is against the law, but catching these guys is another thing altogether.  Hidden behind their ‘handles’ and their advocacy for free information, these people feel they are liberators of the Information and Technology age.  They espouse that everyone should be able to enjoy the fruits of new technology without economic hindrances.

I don’t know how pervasive the practice of hacking one’s mobile device is in the country already, but judging from the forums I happened to chance on, the movement is already quite large.

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