Thursday, September 17, 2009


The question that came to mind after the presentation from the representative from Microsoft was Readyboost, if it really works as it claims. And according to him, it helps.

Readyboost is an option for converting removable storage into RAM. A more packaged description can be found in

For Vista users it is a more convenient way of adding speed to your PC or Laptop without installing on-board or "under the hood" system memory.

Simply adjust the settings on the properties of the removable memory by right-clicking and clicking "properties." Windows will even recommend how much memory you can efficiently use as "RAM."

For a more visual presentation of how it is done see

I recommend using an SD card for laptops for appearance purposes.

As the added pondering for this entry I realized that with the access to information, more "readyboost-like" options will be available to us in the future. What I mean is that as the knowledge of tinkering with devices increase on the per person level, and someday we will see more tweaking with hardware without going to your conventional repair shop or PC outlet.

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