Thursday, February 18, 2010

Evolution devolution revolution.

Papers are works in progress, much like many web sites. That's why businesses shouldn't just pay to have someone develop web sites for them; they should get developers to also maintain these websites. And yes, I said develop. If they want to attract viewers, the site must be interactive. Gone are the days where an online presence consisting of a few HTML pages would suffice. Everything would have to be snazzy... and more importantly, constantly updated.

And like the internet, our SLR paper is ever changing. The one thing constant is the topic... or at least the general topic. Ah, piracy. So much to say about you... but I write in layman's terms. I am not for legal writing.

And maybe we're in over our heads for letting it "evolve" much like the laws on the matter. Oh, piracy. One thing's for sure: this time it's easier done than said.

by Awi Mayuga (eleventh entry)

1 comment:

Owen Ricalde said...

with every aspect of our lives intertwined to technology, we must also embrace this on our profession. in time, all people must be developers in our own professions since who better to develop IT systems for professions than the professionals themselves.

awi, baka maging niche market mo ito since it background ka :)