Monday, February 1, 2010

Uh, wow.

I saw this picture (the term “cut-out,” I believe, would also be apt) on a friend’s facebook page, and was rendered a little speechless and a lot disturbed. I wonder where, when and/or if a line should be drawn between your personal life and everything else. One thing I remember from an earlier ICT class was the professor telling us that we shouldn’t send or post anything online we aren’t ready for everyone to see – that stuck with me, and immediately came to mind when I saw this. Yikes.

[end blog no. 09]


Cha Mendoza said...

haha. That's why many can't post rants in Facebook, professors or parents, and even bosses may see it. :)

Owen Ricalde said...

this is a collection of FAIL facebook comments. funny :)