Thursday, February 4, 2010

Facebook killed my 'birthday thing'

It was my birthday yesterday. Every year, I wait for those who will remember it and text me their greetings. I usually only appreciate such texts messages, as (1) it takes some time to take out a cell phone, punch in the message and send it and (2) I can save such text messages. I even have more appreciation to those who text before 3:55 pm, as that's the time I was born, as stated in my birth certificate. It's really quite sentimental, but that's my 'birthday thing'.

For the past few years, I wake up to about a hundred text messages. Yesterday was the first time I celebrated my birthday while having a Facebook account, and I think that made the difference: I woke up to about 33 text messages only.

Facebook changes the manner by which we interact with people. For one thing, I think that it provides an avenue for us to take for granted those small things that people give importance to. In another point of view, however, even though it killed my 'birthday thing', I still appreciate the fact that some people were able to greet me, even though I haven't been in touch with them for a while.


awi said...

i know what you mean. when before i had a lot of texted birthday messages, now i have more messages on my fb wall. actually, a number of those who posted were good friends -- people who actually remembered my birthday because i've set my birthday to private on fb.

and it was kinda cute to read the messages from my gaming friends... and a surreptitious fb message that a certain person sent. (hmm, sino kaya?)

bryansanjuan said...

hope you had a happy birthday choi