Thursday, February 25, 2010

You’re just being creative

How many hours do you spend in a day in front of your computer, sifting through tons of email, patiently approving Facebook invitation of some kid who sat behind you while your kindergarten teacher read Jack and the Beanstalk twenty years ago? (Or, for that matter, disapproving the invitation of the guy who stole your pencil case in grade school?)

And how often do you feel the pangs of guilt immediately kicking in, forcing you to regret not having spent the time reading your cases for the next day’s class?

Here’s something to make you feel a little bit better. According to an article from Wired, “humans weren’t designed to maintain a constant focus on assigned tasks. We need periodic breaks to relieve our conscious minds of the pressure to perform — pressure that can lock us into a single mode of thinking. Musing about something else for a while can clear away the mental detritus, letting us see an issue through fresh eyes, a process that creativity researchers call incubation.”

I guess when you’re spending that much time on Facebook and Twitter, you’re not wasting your time. You’re just being creative.
13th Entry
Ralph Vincent Catedral

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